香港清水湾 || 以不锈钢滑梯攀爬网组合为主题的游戏空间设计方案 二维码
清水湾位于离香港市中心仅一小时车程的半岛中。与香港的摩天大楼和都市繁华截然相反的是,这些半岛拥有着郁郁葱葱的青山、美丽的海湾和小村庄。新世界发展公司自2014年以来一直致力于“帕维里亚山”的开发,这是一个介于起伏的山丘和现有村庄之间的非同寻常的新定居点。小规模手工制品、社区和共享设施是这个新社区概念的重要支柱。像Minsuk Cho (Mass Studies)和Adrian L. Norman (ALN)这样的著名建筑师,也像许多国际知名艺术家一样,为帕维亚山做出了贡献。 Just an hour drive from the city centre of Hong Kong, the Clearwater Bay area is situated. These peninsulas, with their lush green hills, beautiful bays and little villages, are quite the opposite of the skyscrapers and city buzz of Hong Kong. New World Development has been working on ‘Mount Pavilia’, an extraordinary new settlement wedged in between the rolling hills and existing villages, since 2014. Small scale, artisan crafts, community and shared facilities are important pillars of the concept of this new neighbourhood. Famous architects like Minsuk Cho (Mass Studies) and Adrian L. Norman (ALN) have contributed to Mount Pavilia, just like a number of internationally renowned artists. 由Minsuk Cho设计的白色庭院俱乐部和庭院走廊是一个明亮的白色混凝土立面社区建筑,里面容纳游泳池,休息室,游戏室,体育设施,酒吧,餐厅,咖啡馆,洗衣服务,画廊和食品市场等设施。一座有机形状的桥梁将两栋建筑与680套公寓和占地25公顷的大型中央公园连接起来。这个公园由ALN设计,形成了新定居点的核心,连接了室外游泳池、游乐设施和都市农场。公寓像“墙”一样围绕着中央公园建造:这样,每个居民都能看到社区公园以及周围郁郁葱葱的绿色景观。除此之外,附近没有设置停车场,停车场都规划在地下。 The White Yard Club and White Yard Gallery, designed by Minsuk Cho, are community buildings. They have a bright white concrete facade, and house several facilities like a swimming pool, lounge, game rooms, sports facilities, bar, restaurant, café, laundry services, gallery and a food market. An organically shaped bridge connects the two buildings with the complex of 680 apartments and the 25 hectares large Central Park. This park has been designed by ALN and forms the heart of the new settlement, stitching together the outdoor pool, play facilities and urban farming. The apartments are built around the Central Park like a ‘wall’: in this way, every resident has a perfect view on the the community park as well as the lush green surrounding landscape. On top of this, the neighbourhood is car-free; parking is arranged underground. 2015年,Carve被委托为清水湾设计五个游戏空间:幼儿游戏区,都市农场,较大儿童游戏的中央公园,水上游戏区及一个室内图书馆和教育游戏区。清水湾会所独特的建筑,其流畅的造型、明亮的白色立面和透明的部分,成为了所有游戏区的设计出发点。正是由于这一点,这些游戏区尽管彼此分隔独立,其游戏元素依然是这个整体明显的组成部分。 In 2015, Carve was asked to create a design for five playspaces in Clearwater Bay; a playzone for toddlers, urban farming, a playzone in Central Park for older children, a waterplay zone, and an indoor library and educational playspace. The distinct architecture of the Club House of Clearwater Bay, with its flowing shapes, bright white facades and transparant parts has been the starting point for the design of all playzones. Thanks to this, the play elements are an obvious part of one family, despite being located seperately from each other. 总平面图 Master Plan 幼儿区 Toddler zone 在基地最北部,为2-5岁的儿童专门设立了一个游戏区。这里的游戏空间被低矮的篱笆和树篱包围着,里面有三个带有白色穿孔正面的圆柱形物体。每座塔都有不同的功能,孩子们可以在最大的范围内攀爬和滑动。一个略小一些的塔则专门用于角色扮演,另一个是“商店”,剩下的一个是游戏室。在圆塔外面有一座小山,孩子们可以在上面滑行。两个轻质遮阳结构覆盖着整个建筑,将它们连接到同一个圆形框架上。 In the most northern zone a playzone has been created for children aged 2-5 years old. The playspace is surrounded by a low fence and hedge. Inside, there are three cilinder-shaped objects with a white, perforated facade. Every tower has a different function; in the largest, children can climb and slide. The other, slightly smaller, towers, are focused on roleplay; one is a ‘store’, the other a playhouse. Outside the round towers a hill is created which children can slide on. The ensemble is covered by two lightweight shading structures, which are attached to a circular frame. 幼儿区平面图 Toddler zone 都市农场 Urban Farming 菜园,也被称为“都市农场”,由四个区域组成,通过一条非正式的路径连接,每个区域都有自己独特的功能。从自行车停车场开始,下一个区域充满了凸起的种植池,从这里继续前进,人们可以走到一个有座椅教育区和香草花园,在这里,孩子们可以在一个小沙坑里玩水,最后一个区域是“食物和社区”:一个私密的隐蔽空间,当地居民可以在这里聚会和烧烤。 The vegetable garden, also referred to as ‘urban farm’, is an ensemble of four zones connected by an informal path, with each having its own distinct function. Starting at the bike parking, the next zone is filled with raised planters. From here, people can continue to an educational zone with seating benches and an integrated herb garden. Here, children can play in a small sandpit and with water. The last zone is focused on ‘food and commuity’; an intimate, sheltered space where local residents can meet and have a barbecue. 都市农场平面图 Urban Farming 中央公园 Central Park 中央公园的“观景者”是由三个圆柱体游戏雕塑组合而成,仿佛矗立在树顶之上。其白色立面和暖色环境使它们与周围公园的绿叶形成鲜明的对比。这些物体的圆形平台位于“mikado-pole”上,向各个方向扭曲,这些柱子带来了纤细透明的外观。第一座游戏塔包括两个游戏网,两个滑梯和攀爬平台,其高度超过6米。第二座塔用于攀登,包括攀登杆、吊网和一个升高的平台。第三座也是最低的塔包含一个吊床森林。所有的游戏塔都位于一个略微凹陷的坑中,这强调了它们的存在。一条混凝土路径包围了整个游戏区,并将该区域与中央公园的其余部分连接起来。家长可以坐在靠近塔楼的长椅上,这些长椅与小径融为一体。在亚热带气候中,遮阳是非常重要的,在所有的塔中,遮阳功能是整合的,悬挂的植物点缀着两座最大的塔楼的顶部边缘。 The eyecatcher of Central Park is an ensemble of three cilinder-shaped play sculptures, that tower above the tree tops. With their white facade and warm-coloured surroundings they stand out against the green foliage of the surrounding park. The round-shaped plateaus of the objects rest on ‘mikado-poles’, that are twisted in every direction. These poles give the objects a slender and transparant look. The first playtower, which measures more than six meters in height, contains two playnets, two slides and climbing platforms. The second tower is for climbing, containing climbing poles, a droplet-net and raised platform. The third and lowest tower contains a hammock-forest. All playtowers are situated in a slightly sunken pit that emphasises their presence. A concrete path encloses the playzone and connects the zone to the rest of the Central Park. Parents can sit in close vicinity to the towers on benches that are integrated into the path. In the subtropical climate, shadow is of great importance; in all towers, shading is integrted. Above this, hanging plants adorn the top edges of teh two largest towers. 中央公园平面图 Central Park 水上游戏区 Waterplay zone 水上游戏区位于游泳池旁边,很浅(5至30厘米),适合儿童游戏。我们设计了一个滑动造型的纯净互动水池,它激活了水池的两个区域。水池是盆地最深处的一部分,就像一个游戏岛,位于水面以下。通过按压传感器装置,鼓励儿童间进行合作,激活不同的喷水器,形成了一个不断变化的照明喷雾装置。尤其是在晚上,效果非常壮观。而在浅层区域,我们安置了滑动雕塑,雕塑由穿孔钢制成,外部为白色,内部为洋红色,产生了一种波纹状的效果。滑道与该游戏区融为一体,就像矗立在水池中的一块巨石,也和雕塑一样在夜间被照亮。 The waterplay zone is situated next to the swimming pool, and because of its shallowness (5 and 30cm) it is suitable for children. Carve designed a slidingscultpure and interactive water table, that activate the two zones of the pool in their own way. The water table is part of the deepest part of the basin, and acts as a play island that lies just below the water surface. Children are encouraged to collaborate; by pressing the sensors, different waterjets are activated, creating an everchanging game of sprayers and lighting. Especially at night, the result is spectacular. In the shallow zone, the sliding sculpture is situated. The object is made of perforated steel; white on the outside, magenta on the inside, creating a moiree effect. The slide is integrated into the object, that stands as a monolith in the waterbasin, lighting up at night like a sculpture. 水上游戏区平面图 Waterplay zone 室内游乐场 Indoor playground 同样重要的,我们设计了室内操场的内部空间,它就位于俱乐部住宅的后面。俱乐部内部外观整洁,有大量的玻璃立面、曲折的穿孔砖墙、视线和大厅。流线型的后墙是一个起点,就像包围空间并将室内运动场和大厅分隔开来的玻璃幕墙一样。在这个有限的空间内,我们创建了一个游戏区,包括一个图书馆、书架、阅读角、一个实体大小的玩偶之家,以及一个与俱乐部屋氛围相似的游戏室。这个由地板和窗户上的软游戏积木组成的游戏室和其他所有物体一样,是专为清水湾设计的。孩子们可以将积木取出用各种方式堆叠,创造属于他们自己的“建筑”,黑板还可以帮助孩子们练习他们的创造力。 Last but not least, Carve designed the interior of the indoor playground, which is situated in the back of the Club House. The interior of the Club House has a clean appearance with a lot of glass facades, meandering and perforated brick walls, sightlines and patios. The flowing shape of the rear wall was a starting point, just like the glass facade that encloses the space and seperates the indoor playground from the hall. Within this limited space, a playzone has been created that includes a library, book shelves, reading corner, a real size doll’s house, and a playhouse in the same atmosphere as the Club House. The playhouse, that – just like all other objects – has been designed exclusively for Clear Water Bay, consists of soft play building blocks on the floor and windows. The blocks can be taken out and children can stack them in different ways, creating their own ‘building’. A chalkboard invites children to practice their creativity. 室内游乐场平面图 Indoor playground 在蜿蜒的墙后面的另一个区域,“玩偶屋”已经被整合在一起了。一幅真人大小的黑白画将墙壁分成有门、窗和阳台的两个不同区域。在这个专注于安静、幻想和角色扮演的角落里,孩子们可以轻松的玩耍。然而,室内游乐场的吸引人之处是一个长而透明的书架,它在游戏区和走廊后面形成了一堵墙,同时也是一个垂直的游戏结构。粉色有机玻璃面板、阶梯式货架和平台嵌在两堵玻璃墙之间,形成了一个亲密的游戏和阅读角落,孩子们可以通过亮白色的滑梯从上面的架子上滑下来。?这个项目赢得了2018年BCI亚洲室内游乐场大奖。 In the other zone, behind the meandering wall, the ‘dolls house’ has been integrated. A life-size black-and-white drawing divides the wall into variouszones with doors, windows and a balcony. In this corner, where the focus is on tranquility, fantasy and role play, children can play in a relaxed way. Theeyecatcher of the indoor playground, however, is a long, transparant bookcase, that creates a wall behind the playzone and the hallway and is a verticalplaystructure at the same time. Pink perspex panels, stepped shelves and plateaus create an intimate play and read corner, wedged between two glass walls. From the upper shelf, children can slide down from a bright white slide.? Carve won the BCI Asia Interior Award for the indoor playground in 2018. 设计时间: 2015 – 2016 完成时间: 2017年 客户: 香港新世界发展有限公司 地点: 中国香港清水湾道663号 Carve团队成员: Elger Blitz, Hannah Schubert, Jasper van der Schaaf, Thomas Tiel Groenestege, Marleen Beek, Elke Krausmann, Clement Gay, Mark van der Eng Design: 2015-2016 Completion: 2017 Client: New World Development, Hong Kong Location: 663 Clear Water Bay Road, Hong Kong, China Carve team: Elger Blitz, Hannah Schubert, Jasper van der Schaaf, Thomas Tiel Groenestege, Marleen Beek, Elke Krausmann, Clément Gay, Mark van der Eng |